Wednesday, July 24, 2013



I’m using qualitative technique by using observation in this research. I use two days to do my observation on Friday in two weeks which is 12 July 2013 and 19 July 2013. There have 10 sessions of my observation. Before I start my observation, I will prepare all tools include of camera, pen, blank paper, and cell phone to conduct and record down my observation so it can be more accurate and easier for me to review again.

Research question
What activities are done by customer at Sweet Hut?
Research objective
To determine the activities of customer at Sweet Hut
Research Methods
1.      To conduct observation at Sweet Hut outlet
2.      To measure gender, race, order process, activities, and categories such as alone or couple or family.
3.      Sampling method
·         Population- All Sweet Hut outlets in Malaysia
·         Sampling Frame- in Kuala Lumpur
·         Sampling Unit
ü  Outlet at mall(primary)
ü  Weekday customer (secondary)
ü  Business hour  (tertiary)
4.      Sampling technique- non probability sampling

Location: Times Square         
Weekday: Friday
Time: Business hour

The date and time I went for my observation.

First day on Friday
(12 July 2013)
Second day on Friday
(19 July 2013)
12.00 PM to 12.15 PM

12.15 PM to 12.30 PM

12.30 PM to 12.45 PM

12.45 PM to 1.00 PM
1.00 PM to 1.15 PM

1.15 PM to 1.30 PM

1.30 PM to 1.45 PM

1.45 PM to 2.00 PM

2.00 PM to 2.15 PM

2.15 PM to 2.30 PM

2.30 PM to 2.45 PM

2.45 PM to 3.00 PM

3.00 PM to 3.15 PM

3.15 PM to 3.30 PM

3.30 PM to 3.45 PM

3.45 PM to 4.00 PM

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