Wednesday, July 24, 2013



In the conclusion, I found that majority customers is female and they prefer comes with friends and dine-in at Sweet Hut. Therefore, female is their target customers and they should provide more table to serve the customers where people likely to dine-in. The comfortable environment and good decoration can attract more customers where there are many customers dine-in is for chit chat purposes. In addition, Sweet Hut provides good services to customers where customers are not self-service and they provide not only Wi-Fi zone area but also provide plug that allowed customers do online purposes. Because Chinese is their majority customers, they should provide more Chinese favorites dessert such as concept from Hong Kong and Taiwan. For the recommendation, since Sweet Hut is recently been establish, so there not much people know their brand name and result that less customers. Therefore, Sweet Hut should do more promotions to attract customers and let them know about their brand name. In addition, Sweet Hut should provide set meals such as one plate of dessert and one drinks in one set with promotion price in peak hour such as tea time to attract customers. 

Analysis of Data

Analysis of Data

Based on the pie chart, Sweet Hut customers mostly are female which has 74% (32 females) and males only 26% (11 males). The observation that I found within these two days, the total customers who consume at Sweet Hut is only 43 person. This indicates that, females are more prefer to consume dessert compare to males. Therefore, Sweet Hut should target female customers rather than male. They should offer more favorites dessert that suitable for female taste. However, males’ customers also cannot be ignored and so Sweet Hut should create more dessert that suit for males taste.

Based on the pie chart that the race who consume in Sweet Hut. Majority of customers is Chinese where it has 88% (38 person), following by others is 7% (3 person), next is Indian where it has 5% (2 person) and there is no Malay customers while Sweet Hut is serve halal but no Malay customers. It is because July is Malay puasa period and so less Malay customers. In addition, Sweet Hut has no any notices such as put any Halal board in the shop front to let customers know it is serve Halal food. Chinese is the majority customers because Sweet Hut is founded by three young Chinese men and the dessert they serve mostly suitable for Chinese taste.


Based on the pie chart, majority of customers prefer to dine-in where it has 95% (41 person). In contrast, customers that take away only have 5% (2 person). This indicates that customers prefer to dine-in to consume the dessert rather than take away. However, Sweet Hut shop provide few table for customers since customers prefer to dine-in which affect some of the customers have to wait and the customers will choose to others substitutes and loss many customers when there is a peak hour. However, because Sweet Hut is only serve dessert and drinks so people only will come during tea time and the rest of the time are very less customers.

Based on the pie chart shows that majority who come to Sweet Hut is come with friends that has 46% (6 group come with friends), following by couple that has 31% (4 couple), family is 23% (3 group of family) and there no customer who come by alone. This indicates that customers prefer comes in group rather than alone. In addition, many people come with friends and couple to dine-in in Sweet Chat because the environment and decoration is suitable for them. It is also suitable for family because kids like desserts while parents enjoy the dessert and the environment.

Based on the pie chart, it shows that the activities of customers doing during dine-in at Sweet Chat. Mostly customers dine-in at Sweet Hut are chit chat purposes where it has 85% (35 person), following by customers who are chit chat and online purposes where it has 10% (4 person), and only 5% (2 person) of customers are online purposes. Sweet Hut has provide Wi-Fi zone to attract customers but majority people dine-in at Sweet Hut are chit chat rather than online. However, they provide Wi-Fi zone become a competitive advantage because most of the customers who dine-in at Sweet Hut is for leisure activities.  



I’m using qualitative technique by using observation in this research. I use two days to do my observation on Friday in two weeks which is 12 July 2013 and 19 July 2013. There have 10 sessions of my observation. Before I start my observation, I will prepare all tools include of camera, pen, blank paper, and cell phone to conduct and record down my observation so it can be more accurate and easier for me to review again.

Research question
What activities are done by customer at Sweet Hut?
Research objective
To determine the activities of customer at Sweet Hut
Research Methods
1.      To conduct observation at Sweet Hut outlet
2.      To measure gender, race, order process, activities, and categories such as alone or couple or family.
3.      Sampling method
·         Population- All Sweet Hut outlets in Malaysia
·         Sampling Frame- in Kuala Lumpur
·         Sampling Unit
ü  Outlet at mall(primary)
ü  Weekday customer (secondary)
ü  Business hour  (tertiary)
4.      Sampling technique- non probability sampling

Location: Times Square         
Weekday: Friday
Time: Business hour

The date and time I went for my observation.

First day on Friday
(12 July 2013)
Second day on Friday
(19 July 2013)
12.00 PM to 12.15 PM

12.15 PM to 12.30 PM

12.30 PM to 12.45 PM

12.45 PM to 1.00 PM
1.00 PM to 1.15 PM

1.15 PM to 1.30 PM

1.30 PM to 1.45 PM

1.45 PM to 2.00 PM

2.00 PM to 2.15 PM

2.15 PM to 2.30 PM

2.30 PM to 2.45 PM

2.45 PM to 3.00 PM

3.00 PM to 3.15 PM

3.15 PM to 3.30 PM

3.30 PM to 3.45 PM

3.45 PM to 4.00 PM



I am Teoh Yee Teng, student from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, studying Advanced Diploma in Business Administration in Year One, Group 2 (1ABU2). I am chosen Sweet Hut as my observation purposes which located at Berjaya Times Square, 3rd Floor, 03-110D, Kuala Lumpur. It is opposite the Golden Screen Cinema (GSC).

This is the Sweet Hut outlet at Berjaya Times Square

This bundle is Sweet Hut top sales of snow ice dessert

This bundle is Sweet Hut new flavor

This is Sweet Hut Menu that show with Chinese and English language and it is their top sales dessert

Sweet Hut Background

Sweet Hut Background

Sweet hut is a franchise that founded by three young men who foresees a great opportunities develop in the dessert industries in Malaysia. These three young men had decided to recruited Andy a dessert chef from Hong Kong and he has more than 20 years experiences in making desserts. Andy had travelled to different western country to learn and improve his skills in making desserts within these 20 years. Therefore, Sweet Hut provides a wide range of desserts which the concept comes from different country such as Italy, Hong Kong, Spain, Malaysia, France and etc. that the desserts is Malaysians favorite.

The name of “Sweet Hut” is come from the homonyms of “Sweet Heart”. They use this name is trying to tell customers that their shop is serve desserts by the word of “sweet” and the word of “heart” is  provide a lovely and comfortable environment that suitable for couples and desserts lover.  Sweet Hut has their own secret recipe that customers rarely found in Malaysia and this becomes a competitive advantages.